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Equality & Diversity Policy

  1. Huddersfield Chambers is committed to eliminating discrimination and promoting equality and diversity in its own policies, practices, and procedures. This applies to Chambers’ dealings with members of Chambers (which in this policy shall include the Chambers’ employees), pupils, clients and third parties.

  2. Chambers will treat everyone equally and with the same attention, courtesy and respect and will not discriminate against any person, nor victimise or harass them on the grounds of:

    1. age

    2. disability

    3. gender, to include trans, non-binary, and gender-fluid identities

    4. marriage and civil partnership

    5. pregnancy and maternity

    6. race

    7. religion or belief

    8. sex and sexual orientation

  3. Chambers will take such steps and make such reasonable adjustments as are necessary in all the circumstances to prevent any member of Chambers or client from being placed at a substantial disadvantage in comparison with those who are not within a protected characteristic.

  4. In implementing its equality and diversity policy, Chambers will comply with the Equality Act 2010 and the Bars Standards Board Handbook.

  5. As an employer, Chambers will treat all members and job applicants equally and fairly and not discriminate unlawfully against them relating to:

    1. recruitment and selection,

    2. terms and conditions of employment,

    3. access to training opportunities,

    4. grievance and disciplinary processes,

    5. dress code,

    6. references,

    7. work allocation and

    8. any other employment related matters.

  6. Chambers recognises the benefits of having a diverse workforce and will take steps to ensure that:

    1. It endeavours to recruit from the widest pool of qualified candidates possible.

    2. Employment opportunities are open and accessible to all based on their individual qualities and personal merits.

    3. Selection criteria and processes do not discriminate on any of the protected characteristics.

    4. All members of any recruitment panel (whether for pupils, tenants, or employees of Chambers) shall have undertaken the Introduction to Equality and Diversity programme provided by the Bar Council.

  7. Chambers will create a working environment which is free from discrimination, victimisation, and harassment and which respects the diverse backgrounds and beliefs of members of Chambers.

  8. Terms and conditions of service for members of Chambers will comply with anti-discrimination legislation. The provision of benefits such as working hours, maternity / paternity and other leave arrangements, performance appraisal systems, dress code and any other conditions of employment will not discriminate against any member of Chambers on any of the protected characteristics referred to above. Where appropriate and necessary, Chambers will endeavour to provide appropriate facilities and conditions of service which consider the specific needs of members of Chambers.

  9. Promotion within Chambers will be based solely on merit. The selection criteria and processes for recruitment and promotion will be kept under review to ensure that there is no unjustifiably discriminatory impact on any group. All employees will have equal access to training and other career development opportunities appropriate to their experience and abilities.

  10. Chambers (including members) must not refuse to accept instructions from clients based upon any of the protected characteristics referred to above. Chambers will take reasonable steps to meet the different needs of clients arising from its obligations under anti-discrimination legislation.

  11. Chambers is committed to promoting equality and diversity in Chambers as well as in those areas in which it has influence. Members of Chambers will be informed of this policy and employees will be provided with equality and diversity training appropriate to their needs and responsibilities.

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